Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Crazy Traffic of Cambodia

Vehicle over-taking in appropriately...

I've been driving in Cambodia for a year now and everyday, it seems to get worse for me. Whilst vehicle operators in this country seem to be rather abnormally patient, I still believe there is that tendency to develop road-rage amongst all of them.

When I first started driving, I started with extremely mild-mannered cussing (e.g. "you idiot!" / "that's dangerous, you moron") everytime some hell-riders decide to try something plain idiotic on the roads of Phnom Penh. This has escalated to extreme cussing that is probably in appropriate to publish anywhere! From my house to the office, a short 1km drive, I cuss at a minimum of 15 other road users before I reach my destination. What a way to start the morning everyday!! I think it is very bad karma to wish death upon people every morning!!

What I don't get really is the non-existent common-sense amongst the Cambodian road users. Are they so idiotic or do they just merely have that "devil-may-care" "life-is-cheap" attitude?
  • They would ignore the red light. YOU are expected to watch-out for them.
  • They would squeeze into any space - even if it was only an inch wide. YOU are expected to avoid them.
  • They would turn out of junctions without stopping. YOU on the straight road is supposed to make sure you don't ram into them.
  • They would overtake a vehicle from the opposite side of the road even if they see you approaching. YOU are supposed to jam your breaks for them.
  • They would ride their motorbikes 5-abreasts and chit-chat as if on a stroll. YOU are expected to drive at 10miles/hour behind them.
  • They would stop right in the middle of the road without any warning. YOU are expected to wait or go around them.
  • They would ride 5 to a motorbike and weave in and out of traffic. YOU are expected to keep their lives safe.
This list could go on forever.

But I think it is only in Cambodia that you have all types of different vehicles on the road. 4WDs for the triad members and the "oknhas" (Cambodia's version of Datuks and Datins), the normal sedans, the Kancil-lookalikes, and then you have the motorbikes, cyclos, tuk-tuks, the "ramuks" (motorbike carrying a long 2-wheeled platform to carry things as large as a house on it!), the 2-wheeled push carts, the motorbike with the side car, and of course, you also have the trucks and lorries (mostly ferrying a hundred sardine-packed people on it) and the inter-province buses. It's your bad luck if you happen to be stuck behind the vendor with the push cart, pushing his or her way in the already crazy traffic of Cambodia.

Yes, they do have the traffic rules (wear helmets, motorbikes not allowed to carry heavy items, etc). But the main problem is really the implementation. The corrupted traffic police isn't exactly a respected position in Cambodia. They are often fat, lazy and loves wielding their authority upon the poor citizens of this nation. It doesn't help either that the VVIPs seem to be exempted from any traffic rules!

The saddest part is the result of the mix of corrupted law enforcers and the no-common-sense Cambodian road users. It often ends up with serious injuries or death. Call me hardened, but I have reached a point where I don't feel sorry for any of them who meets with a k'rooh t'nak here. If you add the mix in again - they actually deserve it. I mean, if you zoom out of a junction without looking and you end up in the morgue - whose fault is it really?

Accidents = Zero Common Sense + Corrupted Police

And only in Cambodia does Article 2.4 of the Traffic Law says "All Vehicles On The Road Must Have Driver". I am assuming there is a car a la Knight Rider hiding around the corner somewhere.

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