Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Love Grass

I had a sudden flashback to my days as a kid. Specifically, to a certain boy at school. No, no, nothing of THAT sort. This was in primary school. And I didn't like this boy. Because he was annoying and a Bully. I actually remember his name - but shall not post it up here.

Well, I remember one incident where Bully tricked me into walking across the school padang where apparently, there were some 'buried treasures'. Ok. Yes, I was gullible. Reading all those loads of Enid Blytons did not help my wish to see fantasy come true :P Well, what Bully was trying to do was get love grass sticking all over my pinafore and my socks. He actually pushed me so that I fell on them.

And boy, did they stick. I wanted to kick his balls so hard afterwards (because I knew even then that kicking them nuts would hurt him like hell) but he was stronger and faster than I was.

For some reason, this flashback came to me today and I must remember to give thanks to Bully. Because on the bright side of things, who would've thought - I had 'love' stuck all over me! 20 plus years later, here I am, still thankful for the love that constantly surrounds me - from my family, my friends and my doting MOH.

I am blessed.

p/s : I never thought too that I could write such a short post for my blog. I usually get rather long-winded :P  

Photo of Love Grass from

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