Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1st Half : Eating, Praying, Loving

In a flash of a flash, it's already first half of the year gone (well, almost anyway). Anticipating that my schedule would only get crazier, I'm posting my thoughts now before cobwebs start growing on my blog. It felt like not too long ago that I posted this inspiring piece 2011 : Eating, Praying & Loving. Well, where are we at with that so far?

For starters, I've been praying for 181 days - and proud to say that I haven't missed a single day of prayers since I started. What do I pray for? *smile* All good things and guidance, I guess and at times, some sort of divine intervention, not just for me, but for all of my loved ones too. And I shall continue praying everyday, and smiling thankfully as I see and feel my prayers being answered.

To be honest, staying positive and culminating an all-around positive attitude hasn't been that easy. Especially since my health has taken quite a blow for the past couple of months, starting with a great fall, hurting my knees and I have this cough which, no matter how much I pray, just will not go away! It's 2 months now, this bloody cough. Some days, I wake up feeling awful and tired, but I still try to stay disciplined and drag my body over to the gym for some training (nevermind the few thousand slaps I will get from making this statement) and because I don't make good time in my training, I feel even more awful afterwards. But no, honestly, I think I am getting better :) I am! I am! *brings fingers to both sides of the temples, channeling positive energy to make the cough go away*

Eversince I have decided to look at my glass half-full again after the turbulent negativities of 2010, I've seen with my own eyes, the amazing-ness a change of attitude can do. I've been meeting the nicest people, the kindest people, the nicest clients, the nicest vendors - you know, from the security guards to my landlady, to the hotel personnels I work with right down to the girl at the check-out counter when I do my groceries. My landlady's house-boy cleans my car for me every week - although, I think it is more so because the dirty state of my car is an embarassment since it is parked right in front of the apartment block :P The hotels that I work with - they send their chauffeur-driven limo rides to pick me up for a meeting or a site recce with them - now THAT is what I call service. My clients bring me gifts and snacks from overseas and tells me to remember to take my vitamins so that I stay strong and healthy planning their wedding. Well, these people didn't magically appear in my life. I'm not delusional. I had been so negative for the most of 2010 that I failed to see the goodness and the kindness in people. There ARE people in this world who would clean your car simply because they like seeing you smile and not because they want to get paid (and don't want you to embarass them :P). There ARE people in this world who genuinely respect you for your experience and role and treat you as a partner. There ARE people in this world who smile at you simply because you smiled at them too. All we need to do is open our eyes. Slap me should I ever forget this again.

But as I mentioned - there are the not-so-perky days. Days where aside from the body failing to achieve personal best times, there's also a lot of work-stress and drama. Days where there are just those amongst us who choose to behave like morons on the fearless streets of da Penh and there are just those amongst us who choose to be annoyingly irritating when it comes to work-related stuff. Oh, don't get me wrong. Whilst I pray for patience everyday, I do realize it is something that I seriously need to work on. My number one pet peeve is missed deadlines. Simple - if I can meet my deadlines, why can't you meet yours? (I also pray for understanding everyday :P). But I know these are part and parcel of work and because I work with so many different people, I have to understand that everyone has their own style of work (I will TRY to understand why being tardy and disorganized is a chosen style :P). These are nothing compared to those who strive on dramas and negativities in everything that they do. Even though you try to spread the positivity to them, they prefer to pour cold water on you. What gets me really is to sometimes feel or realize that even your own partner isn't giving you the support required. In fact, at times, they are the ones creating more drama for you at work. Having to walk on egg-shells with your partners ain't fun. It is at times like these that I pray for divine intervention. What I have learnt to do is to deal with it the best way I know how and change my frequency. Of course, at times, I do snap. Like I said, patience is not yet my virtue. And thinking on the positive side, quoting Herm Albright : "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." So, hah!

But then again, there are also partners that I do really enjoy working with. Sometimes, it is not about bringing in the fat of the bacon. A tiny lean bit is fine too, as long as we're all happy doing it. Right? To these partners, I am thankful that you are my partner and I am happy to have the opportunity to work with you - all of you :)

Overall though, things have been going fairly well, cough and all. I mean, hey - it could be worse, yes? *grin* I look around me and I know my life has been truly blessed thus far. I have good food on the table (part of the "Eating") whenever I wish, nice clothes on my back (my limited wardrobe is something of my own choosing - I'm not a wardrobe person and as MOH says - I only shop for clothes when I am on a holiday at the beach :P) and many roofs over my head - yes - how many people get to say that? I have a few different houses to choose to stay in whenever I am back in KL *grin*. Over and above that - I have so much love surrounding me, from my family, MOH and my friends. Especially MOH. I was reminded recently by Kris Wong of his answer to the following question : "Will Eileen be a good wife?" and his response was "I know Richard will be a good husband." (Kris Wong : Thanks for the show of support :P)

Anyway, also, all my businesses are going well, being busy is good and I still make time to do what I love doing - training, teaching, going to the orphanage, cooking and definitely catching up on CSI (all 3 series) and Criminal Minds (Thomas Gibson is da bombs!!). I have time because I wake up at 3.50am every morning :P And when I need to - I wake up earlier than that. Those who need a wake-up call, just buzz me :P

With the second half of the year approaching, I strive to give lots of love and put a smile on people's faces - even if they are strangers, and be a kinder and more compassionate person. I have to mention this - this is serious divine intervention - I've been praying for the children at the orphanage everyday too, for them to always be surrounded by love, joy and happiness (your heart would break to know that nobody wants to adopt any of these kids because of their HIV condition). I smile knowing my prayers have been answered because recently, there has been a lot more groups of volunteers going to the orphanage, bringing with them love and joy for the kids. It's great to see kind and compassionate people everywhere *smile*

I also strive to continue staying positive and looking at my glass as blady full. I want to enjoy the journey because I know this is one helluva ride. Even better is the fact that I've got a terrible sense of direction. So, if I get lost, it's gonna be one helluva adventure *LOL*

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