Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Me & You. Just Us Two : Conversations with MOH

**this post may not be suitable for children below the age of 18yrs old. Read at your own risk :P

At the start of the month, a friend on FB changed his profile photo to one that was taken at our wedding in Bali and he had this to say : "It's August. It's the time of the year. Happy anniv guys! From the Villenas." Awww.... How sweet, Jojo. Thanks for the very early greetings :)

Indeed, yet another year had flown by and we are now in August, going on to September and October which means, it is 3 months straight of lots of celebratory dates for MOH and myself :) Starting of course.... with our wedding anniversary... kisseversary.... sexerversary..... and the list goes on and throw into that mix - my birthday too :) .... This year, however, I would be away from MOH during our 2nd year anniversary. Oh well, we have plenty of our dates to choose from...... 

About our anniversary...

MOH : What do you want to do? How shall we celebrate?
Me     : I will be in China
MOH : Darn. Ok. We can celebrate earlier or later
Me     : Oh yeah... we have so many dates to choose from. Hahahahahaha!
MOH : You can choose only two.
Me     : What do you mean only two???!
MOH : Yes, so for the rest of the other dates, YOU plan and YOU celebrate for me. Hahaha back.
Me     : No !
MOH : Yes. Quickly. Choose your dates.
(the conversation ends with a lot of pinching and wrestling........)

I've learnt that as a Me & You, Just Us Two couple, (otherwise known as DINK and for those  unfamiliar with the term - DINK = Double Income No Kids. Yes, we are a marketing term), everyday is a celebration. Well, every other day can be a celebration *grin*. There's only the two of us and because we work in the same field, we don't exactly want to bore each other to death talking about work. So we find ways to entertain each other and entertain ourselves. That itself is a celebration :) Celebrating a night of instant noodles. Celebrating the success of our version of MasterChef competition. Celebrating a new way of tricking the other person or making the other person laugh incessantly. Laughter, the best medicine they say. And I so agree. The one most important ingredient in our relationship is the laughs. One thing that stood out at our wedding was the laughter. And 2 years down the road, we think that laughter helped us grow. Some may call it cheap thrills especially when I throw ice water at MOH while he showers (ok, this does end up being one-sided. Hahahaha!). But most of the time, we laugh together, laugh at one enother and the laughter is what helps us get through some of the toughest days around. Sometimes, on down days, I would reflect on a certain conversations (it may even be a repeated one) and I would find myself grinning like the bloody Cheshire Cat.

About household chores...

Me     : You have to wake up early tomorrow morning to sweep & mop
MOH : No!
Me     : Say again? (hand gesturing to start pinching....)
MOH : *pulls long face*

Me     : The floor feels dusty!
MOH : No, it still feels clean (takes off slippers and starts doing the shuffle on the floor)
Me     : I can see the dust !!
MOH : Look up. Don't look down!
(conversation ends with wrestling and slapping and pinching....)

Me     : How come you don't sweep everything into a corner then only you clear it into the dustpan?
MOH : Ssshhh! I'm sweeping or you are sweeping?
Me     : *silent mocking mimic of "I'm sweeping or you are sweeping?" but is stopped midway from a killer stare

MOH : Next time, for my shirts, I want it ironed like this, like this, and then after that, you button the  collar before you hang it up, ok? Don't iron the collar flat down.
Me     : Ah-zhi-ah-zho - you iron yourself la!
MOH : *pulls puppy dog face*

To be fair, MOH did recite in his wedding vows that he will do all the household chores and he will cook for me too. And yet, we've been sharing cleaning duties :) It's a chore, but annoying each other while doing it makes it a little bit more fun :) I'm laughing as I write this, remembering all the conversations :)

About taking care of each other...

MOH : *via post-it note* PLEASE NOTE!!! Please take care and take it easy! Rest now! Let it heal before it gets worse! Love you!!
Me     : Awww... so sweet. What's up with all the exclamation marks? Hahaha! *limps straight out the door for usual morning training*

MOH : *limps into the apartment* Lou Por !!!!! I sprained my ankle!! Oww, oww... owww...
Me     : *in fake concern voice* Awww... poor baby, poor, poor baby....... Does not mean you get to escape the household chores for today *sticks tongue out*
MOH : *pulls puppy dog face*

Me     : *feeling awfully in pain and feeling extremely ill from 7 days of food poisoning*
MOH : What can I do? Do you want me to run downstairs and get you a "happy cigarette"??
Me     : *too weak to even say WTF??! Where is that coming from??* *too painful to laugh*

MOH : What soup is this?
Me     : Pat Zhan
MOH : Isn't this a women's soup?
Me     : Ah Por said you can also drink it
MOH : Will I grow breasts?
Me     : Just drink the soup!!

Me     : *coughing fit*
MOH : Stop Coughing
Me     : *choking on my cough trying to respond* If I can really stop coughing because you asked me to, then you can become a Witch Doctor !!

I have to admit, MOH is pretty good at taking care of me :) Kris, in my Surprise Wedding Video in Bali, when asked if he thought I would make a good wife, he answered : "I think Richard will make a good husband" (and this was repeated twice in the editing). But I do try!! Look, MOH has grown round and prosperous and cholesterol level has dropped significantly thanks to my TLC daily menu :) Although, admittedly, I don't make it any easier for MOH to take care of me since I am supposedly "the most stubborn person he has ever known." But you know what? I agree with Kris :) To that end,... Thanks, Love... for the TLC all the time :) (but you could skip the nagging bit :P *mischevious grin*)

About sharing of the bed...

Me     : Stop warming up my side of the bed.
MOH : This is my side of the bed!
Me     : *kicks violently*
MOH : Wei! The line is here. This is my side!
Me     : *starts poking and pinching*
MOH : Stop it! You have so much space over on your side! I'm about to fall off!!
Me     : *fake snore*

Me     : Did you just fart??!!
MOH : *laughs*
Me     : Under the blanket??!! Eweeeee!!!!
MOH : Wooohoo!!

Me     : Stop stealing my bolster and Stinky
MOH : I hate Stinky
Me     : Stinky hates you too. And stop getting your smell on Stinky
MOH : *slaps Stinky*
(conversation ends with a wrestling match in bed)

MOH : *parks his leg on top of mine*
Me     : No! *kicks leg away*
MOH : This is my position!
Me     : I was here first!
MOH : See? Now with your leg here, you are so far away.... !
Me     : *fake concern voice* Awww.. poor baby.. poor, poor baby..... *fake snore*

Most of the time, getting into bed is a rather fun routine. Even better when there's 'bedminton' involved. Hahahaha. More often than not, it ends with a wrestling match in bed before it leads to the real game ;) While we enjoy annoying each other prior to going to bed, I also know that one of the most romantic thing that MOH does every night is to Hold My Hands (hence, one of our wedding songs) when we sleep. Such a simple gesture! Even in the middle of the night, if we don't end up cuddling, he'll search for my hands while half-asleep and hold it. It's something I really love :) And how can I ever forget that crazy Cambodian night, where there was no electricity, in the middle of summer's heat, MOH sat up in bed, fanning me with the blanket. Now, that is love. And I am lucky.

About playing tricks on one another...

Me     : Do you like your non-matching socks?
MOH : Idiot! I already knew it.
Me     : How did you know?!
MOH : Normally, you don't roll up my socks. When I saw the socks all rolled up, already suspicion  level naik
Me     : So cle-ver. Darn it!

Me     : *hiding at the balcony in the dark - but too slow to turn off TV*
MOH : Lou Por! I'm home! *searches in every room and peeks out at the balcony. Does not see me*
Me     : *stifling laugh*
MOH : *goes out to balcony again* Idiot!!!

MOH : You put chilli powder in my instant noodles!!
Me     : No. *innocent face*
MOH : It's spicy!!
Me     : It comes with the pack. How I know? *trying to keep a straight face*
MOH : You're bluffing. I know!

Me     : *preparing ice water and grinning mischeviously*
MOH : *showering, not knowong what hit him when the ice water splashed onto him*
Me     : *laughing deliriously* Gotcha!!!
MOH : Idiot! You better sleep with your eyes open!

Needless to say, there's only the two of us to entertain one another. Ok, usually, it is me trying to entertain myself at the expense of MOH. And I know he lets me because he loves seeing me laugh. Also because, that is the whole reason why in my wedding vows, I said "I promise to play with you always." I'm keeping my promise ;) It's the same as when he imitates MJ's dance moves or when he tries to dance like Britney Spears or Rain - he does that because it makes me laugh and laughing makes my day :) Every morning, without fail, I get a dance routine of sorts. Thanks, Love for all the laughs.

About putting up with my anal-retention borderline OCD...

Me     : Why is the soft drinks on the second shelf???
MOH : Why?? What's wrong it??
Me     : It's disturbing my chi.

MOH : Where is new tube of toothpaste?
Me     : Why do you not know where anything is in this house??
MOH : Because you don't allow me to keep anything.
Me     : *slaps forehead*

Me     : This is the wrong floor mat for the balcony!!!
MOH : What?! They are the same colours!!
Me     : NO. This one is brighter - it is meant for the toilet! The one for the balcony is faded!
MOH : What difference does it make???
Me     : It disturbs my chi

Me     : Why can't you put everything back to the same place after you use it?
MOH : *silent mocking mimic of what I just said* It's still on the table! What's your problem?
Me     : It needs to be exactly 5cm from the left edge and 10cm from the top edge otherwise it disturbs  my chi! 
MOH : You've got serious issues.
Me     : *sticks tongue out*

I know myself that I am not an easy person to live with or to share a space with. I like things to be in exact compartmentalized locations, shelves, drawers, etc. Ok, I don't admit to being OCD :P I don't exactly arrange my DVDS in alphabetical order, although I do sort them out in categories :P  I think I'm just anal. I like to know that soft drinks are in one section of the fridge, dairy beverages on another shelf, snacks and junk food yet another shelf and so on. I like knowing that I can memorize the arrangement on my dressing table without looking at it. So you see, it isn't easy to live with me. Especially when faded floor mats make a big differences in my life :P I honestly don't know why! And I am NOT OCD :P But anyway, MOH has made living together so easy. Unexplainable :) I love him for letting me be whatever way I want to be. For putting up with me and all my anal-retentiveness and eccentric behaviours and characteristics. I also love him for knowing exactly how to deal with me when I go "crazy". He doesn't fight fire with fire. He lets me go ballistic and ignores me. He knows I will come around later. It reminds me of a "Monica & Chandler" situation - "in sickness and in health...." ... well, consider this my sickness then :)

About the more serious stuff...

MOH : You cannot expect everyone to work at your speed. Ok, to how I see it, this is only a side business for all of you. XXX may have other businesses making bigger money. This small time money and you still chase for deadlines and all... to XXX, you are like a fly buzzing around the head.
Me     : Are you calling me a fly???
MOH : I'm just saying....
Me     : Yes, it is a side business. But I still put in a lot of effort and heart into it!
MOH : Like I said, not everyone thinks the same. Everyone has their own way of thinking.

Me     : I don't want to work anymore!!
MOH : That's ok too if you really don't want to work.
Me     : Really? You're not kidding?
MOH : Not kidding. I can support you. But that would mean you will be a housewife. You can do all  the household chores!
Me     : What??!

MOH : I want to quit my job!!
Me     : Ok. Calm down. What happened?
MOH : I can't stand the stupid clients anymore!! They now want a cheaper quote!
Me     : *thinking that it is pointless to fuel the situation by going ballistic about the re-quote* Ok. No  problem. I'll get you a cheaper quote then. Ok? Just stay calm.

Me     : I just want to let you know that there's two of us. We have an educated background, we  have two hands, two feet and some brains. We will survive.
MOH : Might be a tough life?
Me     : If you eat porridge, I eat porridge. If you eat rice, I eat rice la! *smile* Plus I don't eat much. Low maintenance :)

Me     : What if we both just ditch everything, sell everything and we go and become volunteers at places where we're needed?
MOH : Yes, that can be considered...
Me     : Who knows, we might even find doing this more fulfilling than chasing the rich man's dream!
MOH : *nods*
Me     : I mean, it's not like we'll have children to pass our inheritance down to :P

When I said that MOH is my pillar of strength in life during our wedding ceremony, I wasn't kidding. In many ways, I think his unbiased perspective means a lot to me. I don't necessarily want someone who gets on my side simply by default. I need someone to look at things in an unbiased manner and is willing to tell me I'm an idiot in that particular situation instead of sticking up for me blindly. Sure, in other types of situation, I'd like MOH to be my protector and someone who sticks up for me but when it comes down to work and business, I think it is smarter to have a more objective insight, considering that I am pretty emotional about things :) To that, I appreciate his sanity in the midst of my insanity. I know I am in safe hands too :)

To my beloved MOH, you are my world. I cannot say thank you enough for all the love you have shown me and I cannot say thank you enough to the powers up there for allowing us to cross paths and eventually fall in love after 13 years of friendship and then granting us this lifelong adventure of being a married couple. The best years are still to come!

To my beloved MOH too..

When I miss you or when I am down, all I need to do is read your wedding vows tattooed onto me and I am reminded of the love I am so lucky to have in my life :

"I believe you have renewed my life. Our miracle lies in the path we have chosen together.
The true magic of love is not to avoid changes but to steer them successfully.
I commit to the miracle of making each day work and I promise to live a life that will honour the vows I made.
I promise to grow old with you, to hold your hands wherever we go, to face life's challenges together and keep our relationship alive and electrifying.
May our lives be ever intertwined, our love keeping us together... completely and forever."

I hope you do the same. :)

p/s : I shall be missing you while in China as I always do when we are apart. And not to worry, I WILL take care :)


ricsee said...

Hahaha....while reading it I laughed (Funnily) and teared (emotionally)! I love you and there will be much more of these in the future, I promise : )

Joyce Ira said...

My comment may be late, but I just want to say that you have a wonderful love story than inspires other couples to copy. You and Richard have so many tales for us to know and not only I am entertained, I've learned a lot too! Thanks for sharing :-)

dolphintales said...

Awwww... thanks Joyce! :)
I'm pretty sure you and Nestle have your fair share of adventures ;)