Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sentimental Fool

Over the weekend, Sunday, to be precise, I had the uncanny experience of being stripped off all my memories, so to speak. Firstly, my FB account got hacked and thus deleted - for no apparent reason. And that "no appeal shall be entertained". With that, I lost all my friends' contacts, all my photo albums, etc. But this was still bearable.

And then, as if Someone up there hadn't had enough fun with me yet, on the same day, I got robbed by two sonofbitches on a motorbike here in Phnom Penh. Right under broad daylight in the middle of the main road. The two SOBs managed to take off with my cash, camera, bank card and my phones.

It's been 2 days and I'm still feeling really bummed about it. I know, a lot of people have offered their words of encouragement / moral support and we all hear the usual - lucky we're physically unharmed, old things must go for new things to come, it happened to "buang suei" so that better things will come my way, etc... etc.... and I know all that. It would be the same words I would be feeding them should it happen to them.

Don't even get me started on the inconveniences it has caused me. But I think for me - more miserably would be - the loss of my "memories". My camera still had some photos that hadn't been downloaded - of our anniversary celebration. Also the phones - one of the phones that was stolen was a fit-for-the-museum Nokia. I don't even remember which model it was - but they no longer even sell it at the shops. It has been with me for donkey years - and even though it had died on me once, I spent the money fixing it rather than to change or upgrade it to a newer model.

That's the sentimental fool that I am. If today, someone were to give me an option between the iPhone4 or my old crappy Nokia - I would choose my old crappy Nokia - without a sliver of hesitation. So, I guess the word "fool" attached to "sentimental" is quite apt. I am one who cling on to my memories and I get attached, not just to people, but to objects too.

Yes - to that extend, I am a hoarder. My room - much to my parents' chagrin is filled with junk - right up to rulers that are no longer straight from my kindy days to musical mugs from some ex-boyfriends right through to old casettes that are already fungus-infested.

MOH had been nothing but superbly sweet. He's gone to buy me a new phone (although, as I said, truth be told, I would much rather have my old one back - unfortunately, they no longer sell this model) and here's what he said "It is all a sign - that you need to change everything that were not bought by me, to things that are only bought for you, by me." A month ago, I lost my silver bracelet that has been with me for 18 years and I was crying over it for a week - MOH got me a look-alike replacement too.

Perhaps, it is time to learn to let go. Don't you think?


salina said...

MOH very wise. And yes, the hardest thing is letting go. But we learn and we adapt. Good one, Eileen...

dolphintales said...

Hahaha. Thanks, Sal.
Learning this is so damn hard.

Kris said...

good hubby you have!

dolphintales said...

i know, right!!