Thursday, October 29, 2009

AWP Turns 1

Today was the 1st year anniversary bash for the Association of Wedding Professionals Malaysia (AWP) and being stuck here in Cambodia, I just had to be a part of it, considering the organizing committee had worked really hard at putting this together. (and honestly, I hate being left out!!)

Well, my partners in crime (special thanks to Carolyn!!) were more than happy to skype me into the whole affair and watch the proceedings. So I got my mic and headphones ready - only the second time ever that I am using this device - for that matter - my webcam as well.

Oh to be at the mercy of technology!!! When we tested the video call half hour before the party started, the only thing working was the webcam!! I could see them and they could see me. But I couldn't hear s***. Ok, don't panic. We figured perhaps I was using an older version of MSN. So I downloaded the latest version - which, by the way, was a miracle that it took faster than normal considering the 256k speed in Cambodia.

All set - testing Round 2. Still no sound. Which we finally agreed, better than nothing. So I watched the proceedings in "mute mode".... with Carolyn feeding me the updates over the chat box. I have to say, it was pretty interesting and as always, a simple yet fun event which everyone worked hard on has come to life and that is always a joy to see. Of course, a heartfelt thanks goes out to all who have supported our endeavours throughout and believed in us.

I think at the end of the day, it just goes to show that even though we come from different walks of life, different types of businesses, different personalities, (not to mention, some of us are in different geographical location altogether! :P) but when we put our heads and our hearts together, we can create big things.

This is the quality that I admire from my co-workers. We set aside our differences and we work towards one goal. Sure, there are lots of bitching and tears and frustrations, but in the end, we have a laugh, we talk about each other's "longkangs" (private joke - ask Carolyn & Leticia) and we treat ourselves to good food (whilst they went ahead to have a good lunch, I had myself a glass of wine to celebrate too!)

Even in the emails - which we probably receive and send over a hundred to each other in a day (no wonder I am accused of having an online affair with Leticia!) - we banter, we instruct, we brainstorm, we shout, we scream (yes,... all in the emails)... we even SLAP each other (nowadays, used a lot more widely and frequently - thanks to Kris)... BUT, we get the job done.

As in the end, we believe that a little madness helps keep us sane. And we are really the "crazy wedding GANG" - yes a gang. I hope this friendship and partnership will only continue to flourish - if not for the good of the business, at least for the good of our own sanity.

Congratulations AWP - and CONGRATULATIONS to all those people behind AWP. We soldier on.


dolphintales said...

somebody's longkang so deep, fall inside cannot come out again. THAT IS SO FUNNY! I lurve it!

thingsumightwant said...

who's that? who's that? is it lady in red @ OP @ 12 sep? (go check your KL dinner.) :P
you must be fall inside the longkang & stuck before?

dolphintales said...

thingsumightwant - ok - reveal yourself :P

Unknown said...

Does having ur speakers muted have anything to do wit u not hearing anything? (i can sorta see ur volume is set on mute)....